2nd house represents family,family traditions,lineage,wealth,assets,food intake,speech,throat,etc.
Moon represents our mind,mother,caring nature,emotions,etc.
So,when Moon comes into 2nd house,it makes a person inclined emotionally towards family members especially mother,family traditions,culture. These persons are sweet and soft talkers. Their mental peace comes when they hoard enough assets,wealth. That means they can spend money only when they had enough. But sometimes they are too much spendthrift,sometimes too much concern about savings due to Moon's waxing and waning nature. They love to take sweets and soft foods.
Their habit of saving inherits from mother. Moon in 2nd house can give soft vocal cords and Moon gives artistic talent so,they can have singing talent.
Moon aspects 8th house from 2nd house. So,they want to have a joint business with spouse or other people. They will be interested in occult,mysticism. They'll have soft corner towards in laws.
So,this is basic description about Moon in 2nd house and may vary if other factors like aspects,conjunction of other planets and combustion,retrogression,planetary war etc.
Thanks, Ravikumar V,Astrologist.