3rd house represents business,communication skills,younger siblings,short distance travel,collecting information,etc.
Moon represents mother,our mind,emotions,nurturing,caring,etc.
Moon in 3rd house makes a person business minded. These persons wants to communicate something every time,then only they can feel peace of mind. Moon in 3rd house generally gives girl younger siblings and showers emotional caring towards them. As 3rd house represents collecting information,these people want to collect all the possible information and express that. They always think about business and gets plenty of business ideas. Generally 12th house from any house create some kind of loss. Here,3rd house is 12th from 4th house which is home and home land. So,they always want to travel where sitting at home, always takes away their peace of mind.
Their mother could be a business lady who likes gossiping. They may feel some kind of inconvenience with their mother.
Moon aspects 9th house from 3rd house. They wants to connect emotionally towards their father's teachings. They also like to travel to long distances and pilgrimages. Their information will be published through 9th house. These are all 9th house matters.
This is basic description about Moon in the 3rd house and may change to some extent if conjunctions,aspects of other planets are included. And Moon here is not combust and not in planetary war in consideration.
We will see about Moon in the 4th house tomorrow.
Thanks, Ravikumar V, Astrologist.