A Yoga can make a person billionaire as next Bill gates(like Jeff Bezos) or next president of a country. So,depending on the type of yoga and how strong it is, it can lift a person from "Rags to riches" and it can provide fame and status. Is every person having the same yoga can attain success? May not be. Because in order for a yoga to fully give it's fruits, planets involved in the yoga should be strong and proper Dasha time has to come. Dasha is planetary time period,which we'll see later. So,this time let's start with a Yoga related to planet Moon.
Sunapha yoga:
This yoga if present in a person's birth chart can bring wealth to the person. This yoga is formed if planets except Sun,Rahu,Ketu are present in the house next to Moon's house or 2nd house from Moon.
How this can happen? 2nd house itself represents wealth,family. Moon is our mind. Mind(Moon) feels it has support from family members(other planet(s)). So,obviously family members can add their wealth to your own wealth. More so,mind feels stable only when it aquires more wealth here. So,this situation can makes a person wealthy. But this really depends on the dignity and nature(benefic or malefic) of the planets involved. Suppose if Saturn(malefic) is present it limits or restricts every house it sits in. But Saturn delays but not denies. So,fructification of this yoga will be late if Saturn is present.
This yoga can be more visible in the Moon Maha dasha,antardasha.
Thanks, Ravikumar V,Astrologist.