Planets are categorised as benefic, malefic and neutral based on their Astrological significances. Benefic planets always try to do favour for us even in their bad situation(enemy signs,debilitation signs). Malefic planets do reverse i.e., they always try to challenge or question you even in their best environment(friendly signs,own or exalted signs). So,
Benefic planets:
Jupiter,Venus,waxing Moon
MALEFIC planets: Saturn,Mars,Sun(mild malefic),Rahu,Ketu,waning Moon
NEUTRAL planet: Mercury.
Now,let's look at Venus. If we observe the significance of Venus,it is all about luxury,comforts,happiness,love and what not? every thing is liked by most of us. So,it is like provider for us.
Now, take a look on Saturn. Saturn represents inconvenience,miseries,delay,etc. which is blunder opposite to Venus. So,Saturn is taking away or challenging the things. That's why it is malefic. Hope you are grasping.
Then why Mercury is neutral? Actually Mercury is the prince who likes to learn new things more so like a student. So,if a student is with a bad teacher then student also turned to be bad and, turns good if guided by good teacher. Same way Mercury will be benefic or malefic depending upon it's conjunct planet nature.
So,if Mercury conjunct Rahu then it becomes Malefic. If it is conjunct Jupiter then it will be great benefic. If it is without any conjunction then becomes kind of mild benefic.
Why waxing Moon is benefic. Moon waxing is nothing but increasing light from Sun. As Moon is dependent planet, feels happy when gets more support from Sun while waxing and feels lost during waning as it is losing support from Sun. So,this is like when you are happy you want to give away everything and want to take away when you are frustrated. Same thing with the Moon. So,waxing Moon is benefic and waning Moon is malefic.
Ravikumar V,Astrologist.