1. Sun represents father,King,ego,self esteem(how confident you are) 2. Authority,Federal(central) government 3. Heart,soul,personality,vitality 4. Sun represents career also, etc.
1. Moon represents mind,mother,queen 2. Mother's nourishment,peace of mind 3. One's emotional level(whether over reactive or simply calm or not sensitive to situations) 4. Local government or state government 5. Moon represents water,milk,etc.
1. Mars represents action taking ability,courage,defending ability 2. Soldier who love fighting,anger,aggressive nature,will power 3. Male friends,type of boyfriend for a girl,siblings 4. Activeness in sports,law abiding nature 5. Physical fitness,blood 6. Lands,real estate properties,etc.
1. Prince of king(Sun) and queen(Moon),youthfulness 2. Business men are represented by Mercury,whether a person is comedian or totally serious depends on Mercury,wanting sex all the day or not at all interested in sex 3. Communication skills,analytical skills,street smartness 4. Logical thinking,intelligence,quick witty nature,memory 5. Skin,etc.
1. Jupiter is the deva guru i.e.,teacher of all gods. It represents most of the auspicious things like religion,spirituality,knowledge,wisdom,philosophy 2. Main significator of the wealth,finance,luck 3. Higher education,righteous path of life,hope,optimism,literature 4. Type of husband for a girl,signifies children 5. Jupiter is the creator of law 6. Thighs,liver,etc.
1. Venus is the Daithya guru i.e., guru of demons. That means Venus is not bad but is the teacher who teaches demons to understand god in their desired way. That's why Venus represents,material comforts,luxuries,conveniences(After attaining material desires,next step is spirituality. In this way Venus teaches demons) 2. Pleasure,beauty,love 3. Type of female friends,wife for a man 4. Liquid money,cars and all types of vehicles 5. Service and devotion 6. Kidneys,etc.
Here comes the mighty planet(which it deserves actually instead of myths and misconceptions about it).Saturn shows us the reality of life like struggles and hardships through which only a person can be refined as perfect human being where humanity is c/o address. Suppose if you are enjoying the life all the time attaining security,comforts then you may forget yourself as a human being and you will never realise your true potential. So,Saturn is essential in our life. So,Saturn represents the things like,
1. Hard work,perseverance 2. Delay,frustration,limits,boundaries 3. Structure,organisation,punctuality 4. Type of servants,things we didn't treated well in past life 5. Longevity,chronic illnesses 6. Knees,joints etc
Now,regarding Rahu,ketu. According to mythology lord vishnu incarnated as mohini cut the head of demon by Sudharshan chakra. Head is Rahu,body is ketu of that demon. This is short story about how they exist. Saturn,Rahu,Ketu represents our karmic backlog.
1. Rahu imparts illusion,obsession 2. Things we left incomplete in past life 3. Cheating,intoxication,drugs,addiction 4. Foreign and unusual things,rule breaker,thinking out of box 5. Imagined fears,unusual diseases,etc.
1. Ketu imparts delusion,detachment,separation 2. Reasearch,things we achieved in past life and not interested in this life 3. Liberation,enlightenment,spirituality 4. Dog also represented by Ketu, etc.
So this is about all planets. Actually Uranus,Neptune,Pluto are not considered in Vedic astrology. But we will see them later.